182 183Designated Hotline for Carer Support
ico182 183 Designated Hotline for Carer Support
Service & Resource

Service & Resource

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Carers of Elderly Carers of Children with Special Needs Carers of Persons with Physical Disabilities Carers of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities, Autism, Down Syndrome, Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Carers of Persons in Mental Recovery Carers of Persons with Visual Impairment Carers of Persons with Hearing Impairment Carers of Persons with Chronic Diseases/Congenital Defects Carers of Persons with Addictive Behavior Public
Chinese version only

The Hong Kong Society for the Aged - SAGE Active Ageing Centre

Area Kwun Tong Audience Public、Carers of Elderly Registration Deadline:2024-09-30 Learn More
Chinese version only
香港出行易-駕駛篇 延續班
香港出行易-駕駛篇 延續班

The Hong Kong Society for the Aged - SAGE Active Ageing Centre

Area Kwun Tong Audience Public、Carers of Elderly Registration Deadline:2024-09-30 Learn More
Chinese version only
「幼兒體育」幼師專業證書課程 (第一期)
「幼兒體育」幼師專業證書課程 (第一期)

2024年10月2、9、16、23日 (星期二)
Heep Hong Society - Academy for Professional Education and Development

Area Kwun Tong Audience Carers of Children with Special Needs Registration Deadline:2024-10-01 Learn More
Chinese version only

The Hong Kong Society for the Aged - SAGE Active Ageing Centre

Area Kwun Tong Audience Public、Carers of Elderly Registration Deadline:2024-09-30 Learn More
Chinese version only
聽不到的距離 - 聽力檢查
聽不到的距離 - 聽力檢查

2024年10月4、18、25日 (逢星期五)
St. James' Settlement - C. C. Wu Hearing and Optical Centre

Area Wan Chai Audience Public、Carers of Persons with Hearing Impairment、Carers of Elderly Registration Deadline:2024-09-30 Learn More
Chinese version only
「專注學習Level Up」工作坊
「專注學習Level Up」工作坊

2024年10月4日 (星期五)
Heep Hong Society - Academy for Professional Education and Development

Area Kwun Tong Audience Carers of Children with Special Needs Registration Deadline:2024-10-03 Learn More
Chinese version only
護老靜心加油站 — 美圖「繡」「繡」十字繡體驗小組
護老靜心加油站 — 美圖「繡」「繡」十字繡體驗小組

4/10/2024 - 1/11/2024 [除11/10/2024外](逢星期五)
Social Welfare Department - Ma On Shan (South) Integrated Family Service Centre

Area Sha Tin Audience Carers of Elderly Registration Deadline:2024-10-03 Learn More
Chinese version only

2024年10月5日 (星期六)
Christian Family Service Centre - Emergency Assistance to Elders/Support Service for Elderly Carers

Area Wong Tai Sin、Kwun Tong Audience Carers of Elderly Registration Deadline:2024-10-03 Learn More
Chinese version only
基礎健腦操-調和日常生活(Brain Gym® 101)證書課程
基礎健腦操-調和日常生活(Brain Gym® 101)證書課程

2024年10月5、6、12日 (星期六/日)
Heep Hong Society - Academy for Professional Education and Development

Area Kwun Tong Audience Carers of Children with Special Needs Registration Deadline:2024-10-04 Learn More
Chinese version only

2024年10月5日 (星期六)
Heep Hong Society - Academy for Professional Education and Development

Area Kwun Tong Audience Carers of Children with Special Needs Registration Deadline:2024-10-04 Learn More
Chinese version only

Care For Your Heart - Cardiac Patients Mutual Support and Resource Centre

Area Central & Western、ALL HONG KONG Audience Public、Carers of Persons with Chronic Diseases/Congenital Defects、Carers of Elderly Registration Deadline:2024-10-05 Learn More
Chinese version only
背對背擁抱: 心靈療癒之旅
背對背擁抱: 心靈療癒之旅

2024年10月9日 至 10月30日(逢星期三)
Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council Limited - Lok Man Alice Kwok Integrated Service Centre

Area Kowloon City Audience Carers of Elderly Registration Deadline:2024-10-08 Learn More

Upcoming Event

Use the calendar or search filters to look for activities suitable for carers.

Caring Orientation

By means of Questions and Answers, orientate carers to access different community resources.

中風後復康運動 (系列)

中風後復康運動 (系列)

Self-Care Stretching Exercises Home Training
長者運動小貼士 安全運動緩衰老

長者運動小貼士 安全運動緩衰老

Self-Care Stretching Exercises
Chinese version only 老唔惱 – 失禁問題多面睇(普通話配音版)

老唔惱 – 失禁問題多面睇(普通話配音版)

Self-Care Stretching Exercises Caregiving Knowledge
Chinese version only 拉力帶操肌 補充蛋白質 運動+飲食逆轉肌少症

拉力帶操肌 補充蛋白質 運動+飲食逆轉肌少症

Diet and Nutrition Self-Care Caregiving Sharing Stretching Exercises Caregiving Knowledge


Community Information


Community Information Caregiving Knowledge Mental Health Emotional Management
Demand on your CARE: Better teeth, better health

Demand on your CARE: Better teeth, better health

Self-Care Health Encyclopedia Caregiving Knowledge
「療癒.枕語」家庭為本精神健康計劃 (系列)

「療癒.枕語」家庭為本精神健康計劃 (系列)

Stretching Exercises Mental Health Emotional Management Parent-child Games


Caregiving Sharing Community Information Caregiving Knowledge Mental Health Stress Relief

Caring Knowledge

Select the knowledge type in the search filters, click the link to access the videos, voice records or articles.

Events Highlight

The event highlight provides a platform for carers and service providers to exchange the knowledge and experience in carers activities.

Service Provider Zone
Service Provider Zone
Provide Information
Provide Information

Welcome to the JC Carers e-Navigation – Information Gateway for Carers Project - a one-stop information gateway aims at providing comprehensive up-to-date information to carers of elderly and persons with disabilities.

Service Provider Zone

Service Provider can register an account to the Gateway for uploading service activities, event highlights and caring knowledge to the Gateway.

My comment on the lnformation Gateway for Carers:

l am satisfied with the website
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l realize the availability of different community resources
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l know how to use information technology to access community services
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Strongly disagree
l have more knowledge about the community resources
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
l have more understanding of my needs
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
In future, l will use different methods to seek help or assistance (E.g. Using the lnformation Gateway for Carers to search services)
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imagesUser Experience
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